Monday, April 30, 2012


Jackson and Harper have found their hands and they are in love!  They would rather suck their fingers/hands than eat their bottle.  It's becoming quite the challenge during feedings!  Jackson usually is sucking his thumb while Harper is trying to stick both fists in her mouth at once.  You would think we have covered their fingers in chocolate!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


The BOB stroller is now in full use!  Why not give it a shot with this beautiful weather we have had the past week?!?  The twins are a little small for the BOB but the straps keep them nice and snug.  We have had a sense of urgency to test the BOB with our upcoming trip to Breckenridge.  We would much rather push the BOB up and down the mountains than the snap and go stroller that we were using.  The snap and go definitely served its purpose with its ease of use but its not so smooth to push.  After two nights of cruising the neighborhood with the BOB I'm convinced it's the most amazing stroller.

The twins LOVE being outdoors and since they are cooped up all day at daycare we try to take them on a walk every evening (plus we need the dogs to burn off some of their crazy energy).  They both seem to really like their new ride!  Harper can get a little fussy but if I go a faster she is calm again.  I think she is trying to get her momma whipped into shape!  No complaints here because I need a little motivation.

They are looking so grown up!

Family walk

On another note, Harper has her first battle wound on her wrist.  I guess she was fighting her swaddle at daycare and one of her nails got the best of her.  Needless to say, I did some nail clipping this evening (my least favorite thing to do).  We have also asked daycare to gradually stop swaddling at naptime.  I'm not brave enough to stop swaddling at night quite yet.

Looking adorable after daycare.  Harper's signature pose is with her hand behind her head.
This picture cracks me up!  Harper has discovered her nose :)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Week in Pics

Our quick trip to check on our new house Saturday morning turned into a day of festivities.  We ended up going to lunch in midtown at S&B Burgers (if you haven't been its amazing) and then we took the family to Myriad Gardens.  The weather was way too beautiful to be indoors!

Our foundation has been poured and plumbing is in at the new house.  I'm hoping they start framing this week.  While we were there our new neighbors stopped by to introduce themselves.  So nice!  They have two little girls who will be the perfect playmates for the twins.  I'm getting more and more excited everyday for our move to Edmond!

Here is our week in pictures!

Toy overload!
You talking to me????

Harper is learning to hold her own bottle!  Little Miss Independent!

Friday, April 20, 2012

The Real Homeowners of Talavera!

What started with an innocent walk with the neighbor ladies turned into a newspaper ad and now a billboard off of I-35 just south of Indian Hills.  How embarrassing!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

J is Rolling Over

I'm marking my calendar, April 18, 2012, Jackson rolled over from his stomach to his back, twice!  He is such a big boy.  Jackson hates laying on him stomach.  For some reason every time he is on his tummy his nose starts running and he gets congested.  So when we put him on his tummy he kicks and moves his arms like crazy, basically it looks like he is throwing a temper tantrum.  If this is a glimpse into his terrible twos we are in trouble.  His kicking and arm movements were just the force he needed to roll over and get off his tummy!  We will take it!  Now he needs to teach sissy his latest trick. 

We are so proud of our little man!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Baby Bjorning

After getting stuck in a hail storm and barely missing a tornado on Friday, Tyler and I packed up the kiddos and dogs and headed to Plano to avoid the "life threatening" storms that were predicted to hit OKC on Saturday.  We weren't the only OKC refugees invading the Nelson household.  We ended up with 7 adults, 2 babies and 5 dogs at my parents house!  It was a houseful but we never complain when there are extra hands to help with the twinnies.

The past few days we have been enjoying PERFECT weather!  What a change from the weekend.  Jackson and Harper love cruising the neighborhood in their baby bjorns.  They love them so much that we end up leaving them on after our family walks to cook dinner, do dishes and other household chores.  It's so nice having our hands free, this does not happen often.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Jackson and Harper had a very exciting first Easter. They were baptized at Victory Memorial United Methodist Church in Guymon in front of their closest family and friends.  We were so excited to baptize the twins in the church that Tyler was raised in.  My family made the 9 hour drive from Plano to Guymon to join in the celebration.  The twins were in heaven having all their grandparents in one town loving on them all weekend.  Talk about spoiled!

The twins woke up bright eyed and ready for their big day!

We will cherish the memories from this special weekend forever!  Thank you family for making it so special!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy 3 Months

I can’t believe Jackson and Harper are 3 months old!  Where has the time gone????  They are both getting so big and starting to develop their own personalities which so far are polar opposites. 

Miss Harper is our little spit fire.  She is very dramatic and extremely vocal.  Her daddy says that she takes after me but I’m not buying it.  She has just about every tummy issue in the book from acid reflux to constipation.  Poor little thing.  She tells you the WHOLE story on her tummy issues everyday J  She loves to copy some of our movements especially sticking out her tongue.  It’s adorable to watch her concentrate and try to figure out how to mimic our movements. 
Little Man Jackson “aka Bubba” is the most low key, chill baby.  He is always quietly looking around and absorbing his surroundings.  He surprises people with his extremely high pitched squeals!  We can really get him going smiling and laughing.  He definitely does not have his sister’s stomach issues but he DOES have terrible gas!

The twins love to be outside.  Tyler is already fantasizing about all the outdoor activities and sports the twins will play when they are older.  They also LOVE the fan.  The first thing they spot in every room is the fan and they will stare at it until someone flips it on.  Who knew a fan could be so entertaining.  We need to take them on a field trip to Home Depot to see all the fans.  They would be in fan heaven!  They are also completely fascinated with the TV (they are true Miller’s)!  It is amazing how they can go from crying to completely happy when they spot the TV lights.  Jackson and Harper are smiling like crazy, giggling and cooing. I love seeing those gummy smiles, melts my heart!!! 

Three Month Stats:

Approximate weight:  11 lbs 15 oz (with a diaper and clothes on)

Approximate weight:    11 lbs 12 oz (with a diaper and clothes on), brother is catching up!

Feedings:  As of Thursday we are now feeding the twins every 4 hours.  Due to Harper's acid reflux she developed a bottle aversion.  For about two weeks she fought us during every feeding and refused to eat.  The Dr. told us to bump their feedings to every 4 hours to make sure she is nice and hungry!  So far its working!  So now we are giving them 5-6 oz every 4 hours.  Adjusting their schedule is always a challenge but luckily the twins are handling it pretty well. 
Sleep:  We are still feeding the twins once a night, usually around 2:30.  I'm hoping to bump that time to 3ish this week.  We are slowly making progress.  Once we can conquer Harper's acid reflux and the twins constant gas I think they will start sleeping much better!  Fingers crossed. 
Happy 3 Months

And here are some random pics from the last week . . .

All Smiles

What started like this. . .

Ended like this . . .

And we can't forget about sister . . .