Snow days are the best days!!! We were beginning to think that we weren't going to have a snow day in 2022. The weather has been unseasonably warm majority of this winter. It was 70+ degrees the day before this snow storm rolled in! January is a LONG month so a few extra days at home was just what we all needed!!!
School was cancelled before the snow hit as a precaution, so we snuck out to burn some energy with a workout at 5M. Love that we have a place for the kids to run around on a cold, snowy day!
Back at home just in time for the snow to start falling!
Of course the Miller kids were out playing basketball in the cold snow!
Looking out our front window was magical! It felt like we were in our own little Miller snow globe!
Sledding in our neighborhood is the absolute BEST!!! We all tend to meet at the hill around the same time and it is so much fun! The kids sled, snowboard, build snow people, have snowball fights, play snow football and burn so much energy!
Mason mastered snowboarding! We need to get this kid to the mountains!
Sledding with cousins makes it so much sweeter!
Sadie loves the snow just as much as the kids! The cold and snow gives her crazy energy!
Round two of snow days consisted of more ice than snow. We still got in some sledding but ice hockey was the big hit this go around! The kids played hockey for two straight days in the driveway, street and at 5M!
We all LOVE a snow day or two but then are ready for spring to come! Until next year!