Friday, January 6, 2023

Happy 11th Bday J&H

Happy 11th birthday Jackson and Harper!  Where has time gone?!?!?  You two have grown and matured so much this past year!  Its exciting and sad to this mama all at once.  My babies are growing up but thankfully they are becoming strong, independent and successful young adults!  

J&H spent their actual birthday driving home from our ski trip but they came home to the birthday fairies shenanigans!  She always knows how to make these two feel special!

Jackson, you are such a confident, independent, smart and determined young man!  You work extremely hard in everything you do and it definitely shows, not just in your sports but also at school and life in general.  You are witty and still nicknamed " Giggles" because of your contagious laugh.  You are respectful and always so helpful.  You are always the first to say please and thank you, which makes this mama heart proud!  You love to hang with the adults and can hold your own on all the conversations.  You are an amazing son, grandson, classmate, student, teammate and friend!  We are so proud of you and no doubt you will do big things!!!  

Harper, you are so kind, have such a big heart, patient and so understanding!  You love your family and friends big and create such special relationships with your closest friends!  You are so creative and talented artistically.  You have really started taking interest in your appearance and spend hours in the bathroom working on your hair, nails and makeup.  You are amazing with hair!  You have taught yourself how to braid like the best!  You have shot up in height and are now almost as tall as me.  You are maturing into such a beautiful girl both on the inside and outside!  We love you so much and love watching you do amazing things!


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