Saturday, June 1, 2024

Last Day of School

This school year absolutely FLEW by!!!  Can't believe we are saying adios to 4th and 6th grades already!!!  Sad to see the school year come to an end but we are all ready for summer!

Harper thrived as a 6th grader and made some great new friends!  Love seeing her grow into her pre-teen beautiful self!

Jackson also thrived in 6th grade!  He was so happy to be reunited with his friends from Centennial.  He is the most easy going and well-rounded kid around!  

This picture sums up Mase's year perfectly!  Hat (when it wasn't hat day), drip and eye black!  This kid loves life and loved this school year.  He had his besties in class with him which made it a great year!  This kid has all the confidence!

Mase had a sleepover on the "last day of school eve" with his besties and classmates!  We started this tradition last year and it has been a hit!  Walking into school with your friends on the last day of school is the best start to summer!
pumping iron before heading to school!  Got to impress the girls one more day!

Mase ended the last day with the traditional no shirts coming off the school bus and water balloon fight!

Harper's friends kicked off the last day of school with pre-school pics . . .

And ended school with a swim party at our house . . .

Jackson had fun with his friends as well but I have no pics to remember that . . . mom fail!  Looking forward to a fun and busy summer with my trio!!!

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