Sunday, August 3, 2014

Potty Trained

J&H have officially been potty trained for two weeks now which put them right at 2.5 years old.  I wanted to post the good news earlier but I didn't want to jinx it.  Adios toddler diapers, well at least for now!  We hadn't pushed potty training on the twins.  My mindset was to let it happen when they were ready and two Sundays ago they were ready!

It is a whole different world now!  My first job on any outing is to scope out the bathroom situation so I am prepared for the inevitable "I need to potty" moment.  And once one has to go the other all of a sudden has to go also.  I have never visited so many bathrooms and washed so many little hands (public restrooms are GROSS)!  I haven't packed extra clothes for the twins in at least a year and now I'm right back at it.  They really don't have accidents, our biggest problem is not sitting far enough back on the toilet which can be messy!

And the biggest change is getting up with multiple kiddos during the night!  If Mason wasn't enough, we now have two toddlers that need to pee at least once a night!  I'm sure with time the novelty will wear off but for now I will accept being exhausted and enjoy having the extra $50 in savings a week!

I love my little underwear and panty wearing kiddos!

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting article. I am a new parent just like you and I struggled trying to train my boy how to Potty Train. I came accross this course that I found really helpful in potty training your kids in just a couple of days. If you are interested, here is the product I used...
